回顾那些年的照片,他们的笑容一如往常,但笑起来真心好看 这视频讲述想当年还没发生疫情的时候,里有记载着学生们庆祝圣诞节的时候,还有上课时候等等的照片。
【Meet the beautiful smile, let us do a throwback, check out the student’s life here in this beautiful campus】
The Christmas party, the video shooting session, the laugh, the joy, the stressful times that we had together are unforgettable and irreplaceable. It will always be in our hearts forever and ever.
Nothing more beautiful than wearing a smile on the face
Maybe you think the world doesn’t seem as friendly when it’s filled with people wearing face masks but the warm smile, love, and blessing still there even with a face mask on Despite of life not getting any easier or more forgiving during this pandemic period, we must stay strong and more resilient. Love yourself, love one another, and stay safe and healthy at all times. We’ll fight through these difficult times together
遇见美丽的笑容,带你一起到回顾校园里的每一群可爱的学生 Meet the Beautiful Smile, Let Us Do a Throwback, Check Out the Students’ Life Here in this Beautiful Campus.