Eyes, the windows of the soul 眼睛,#灵魂之窗
The eye contour has the thinnest and most fragile skin on the entire face, and it functions most frequent per day. Many of us have been sitting infront of laptop for hours, stay up late watch netflix, play games etc during MCO. Some of us start to get lazy and don’t even bother to take care of our eyes
Don’t Let Your Eye Reveal Your Age 别让眼睛泄露你的年龄
If you’ve the above thought, it is wrong! This is because our eyes can reveal our age. Our eye contour has a few oil glands, so it gets dehydrated very easily and is more vulnerable to environmental aggressors like UV rays. As we get older, lack of care in eye contour will results in common sign of aging such as crow’s feet, fine lines, eye bag, dark eye circles, etc .
如果你有以上想法,那是不对的。因为眼睛可以泄露你的年龄。每个人的眼睛部位的皮脂腺较少,所以它更容易干燥和受到紫外线等环境侵害因素的影响。随着年龄的增长,如果不好好保养,皱纹,黑眼圈,鱼尾纹,眼袋等问题 通通找上门,瞬间会让你看起来憔悴老态。
Eye cream is very IMPORTANT 涂眼霜很重要
No matter where you are, either at home or out from home, eye cream is a must! It is very important to select the right eye cream to protect your eye contour. Applying the eye cream helps to provide hydration, nourishment, anti-stress for the skin, and promote the production of collagen. This helps to diminish crow’s feet, fine lines, eye bag, dark eye circles, etc .
Are you facing the above problems and struggling to solve it? Impress Esteem provides a FREE skin diagnosis & 1 to 1 personal skin consultation for every customer, so that everyone can have their exclusive skin care routine at home .
你是否面对眼部问题而无法解决呢?我们有专业的团队可以 #提供免费的一对一线上咨询和居家护理方案,让你呆在家也可以轻松保养眼睛